we need an essayist that can compose 10 interesting weight reduction articles, around 1000 words each. Authors need to comprehend the item/supplement prior to composing in order to discover great points and features. Do earlier watchword research prior to composing. Have great SEO practice, and can complete it by week's end.
1. An author should finish 5 articles every day.
2. Cutoff time adherent.
3. Installments will be made week after week.
4. Singular Native author or Indian essayist/group.
5. Articles should be novel, should go through Copyscape, and should be liberated from any syntactic errors.
6. We pay Rs.80 per 500 words. Apply just if this rate is worthy for you.
Interesting weight reduction articles, around 1000 words each. Authors need to comprehend the item/supplement prior to composing in order to discover great points and features. Do earlier watchword research prior to composing. Have great SEO practice, and can complete it by week's end.
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